Berkeley West Public School (BWPS) has a current student enrolment of 221 students, comprising 102 boys and 119 girls from Kindergarten to Year 6.
20% of our students are Aboriginal and 15% of students come from backgrounds where a Language Background Other Than English (LBOTE) is evident at home.
The teaching staff currently comprises a principal, seven classroom teachers and two teaching assistant principals. BWPS is involved in the Early Action for Success initiative and has engaged a Deputy Principal Instructional Leader (4 days per week) to build capacity in delivering evidence-based literacy and numeracy pedagogy K-3.
Our school currently receives resource allocation funding to support education initiatives for Aboriginal students, students where English is an additional language and those students requiring low-level adjustments for disability. The overall socio-economic status of the school community is also a factor in determining the resources allocated to our school. Resource allocation funds provide our school with an enhanced opportunity to address priorities in the school plan to support student educational needs. Our school's average Family Occupation and Education Index (FOEI) is currently 146 (2017). FOEI is a school socio-economic index that is based on parents' highest level of school education, non-school qualification and occupation status. The index includes all students enrolled in all NSW government schools and FOEI ranges from 0 to approximately 300, with an average of 100. Higher FOEI scores indicate higher levels of need (i.e., lower socio-economic status).
Our school is part of the Families NSW Schools as Community Centres (SaCC) project. The project employs a facilitator, who in partnership with Principals from the schools involved, coordinates a number of local initiatives in each school intended to support parents and their young children in the local community.
Berkeley West Public School is an active participant in its local Berkeley Community of Schools (COS). The school works in close partnership with its nearby local public schools to organise activities that enhance outcomes for students including enrichment days and quality transition to high school program.
The school's stated aim is to foster individual growth through education for self fulfilment in an ever changing society. To this end the school provides an education which fosters cooperation between staff, parents and pupils and encourages pupils to: Develop their individual talents and interests; become responsible for their learning; and develop skills to cope with change.
The staff through dedication and reflection aim to: Create a safe and supportive learning environment; and implement a curriculum which fosters tolerance and self esteem. As a school targeted by the Priority School Program (PSP), Berkeley West Public School has special programs operating to support student needs in literacy and numeracy, as well those that promote community awareness and involvement. The school also demonstrates a strong emphasis on programs which support: Student welfare; computer technology; PD/Health/PE; and a cooperative approach to assessment.