Berkeley West Public School

Knowledge is Strength

Telephone02 4271 1478

2024 School photos

2024 School photos

As the P&F are experiencing supply issues with winter tunics for girls, this year we are repeating what we did last year for photo day coming up on Monday 3 June.

This is what students need to wear on photo day-

Kindergarten to Year 2 students– All boys and girls are to wear their full winter school uniform. i.e. Boys– blue polo shirt and long grey pants, black shoes. Girls– Winter tunic, white long sleeve shirt, maroon tights/stockings, white socks and black shoes. As we are experiencing tunic supply issues, If any girls in Kinder, Year 1 or Year 2 do not have a tunic, they should wear a blue polo shirt and grey skorts.

Students in Years 3-6– All boys and girls should wear their full Friday sports uniform. i.e. Maroon and white sports shirt, maroon shorts/ skorts/ skirt.-(Grey shorts/skorts/skirts can be worn only if your child deosn't have maroon).

The school winter jacket can be worn on the day by all students but is not mandatory  for the photo.