Invitation to participate in 2022 Year 7 Targeted Academic Program testing
Dear Parent/ Guardian
As you would be aware, Illawarra Sports High School has one Targeted Academic Program (TAPs) class in each year group (Year 7 to 10). These classes participate in various extension activities including explicit instruction on study skills and thinking skills, and whole day special interest workshops in creative writing, technology and mathematical reasoning.
Your Year 6 son/daughter is invited to participate in the AGAT (ACER General Ability Test) that will be conducted at your child’s primary school during Week 5 or 6 of this term to assess their suitability for the 2022 Year 7 TAPS class. The test will assess student literacy, numeracy and analytical skills and will be used (in conjunction with primary teacher information and NAPLAN data) to decide on class placement. Students are not required to study for the test.
Please note that participation in the TAPS test does not guarantee a place in the class.
If you would like your son/daughter to participate in this test, please complete the online registration form using this link by Wednesday 27th October. Please note the link works best with Chrome:
Principal - Illawarra Sports High School