Berkeley West Public School

Knowledge is Strength

Telephone02 4271 1478

'Pupil Free' Staff Development Days

The Premier announced the transition back to the classroom model for Term 2.  NSW Public School students will gradually transition back to school, one day per week, beginning in Week 3 (Monday 11 May).

The beginning of next term sees Monday 27 April remain as a pupil-free School Development Day. Tuesday 28 April has now also been announced as an additional pupil-free School Development Day to allow for additional planning and professional learning for teachers and staff.

The Remote Learning model will re-commence from Wednesday 29 April similar to the end of last term. Families who are able to keep their children home to learn remotely are asked to please do so to assist us with social distancing. Those students who are unable to learn from home are welcome to attend school.

On Monday 11 May, we will move into Phase One of the managed return to school for students.  In this phase, all NSW students will attend school one day per week and learn remotely 4 days per week.  It is anticipated that all NSW students will increase the number of days at school before the end of the term, under the advice of NSW Health. There will be additional cleaning during the day at school and social distancing measures in place.

Next week, I will work with the executive team and staff to organise and structure Berkeley West Public School's Phase One managed return for our students. I will communicate the structure as early as possible to give families enough time to make arrangements.  

This term will certainly bring challenges but I am confident we can work through them together as a community.

The website has been updated and may have information that interests you.


A. Attard- Principal